GateOne Background

What is GateOne?

It's a web shell, aka terminal, emulator & SSH client that uses HTML5 technologies. - another way to put it, it uses pure HTML, JavaScript and web sockets

The underlying technologies? - Python + Tornado web server - JavaScript - nginx

How do we use it?

We offer a web shell to instances in the cloud via GateOne. It appears as a view within Django [0] - the resources of GateOne as "included" and render as embedded. This impacts how the associated GateOne resources are served; if they're served from a domain different from Troposphere - then Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) would be happening [1]

How does it know we are a valid request origin?

There are two aspects required here:

  1. An API key and secret that both Troposphere & GateOne know about
  2. A white-list of valid origins


GateOne has an Authenticated API [2]. You generate an API key and secret [3], then use them to create an HMAC signature of the required authentication info:

authobj = {
  'api_key': 'MjkwYzc3MDI2MjhhNGZkNDg1MjJkODgyYjBmN2MyMTM4M',
  'upn': '',
  'timestamp': '1323391717238',
  'signature': "f6c6c82281f8d56797599aeee01a5e3efab05a63",
  'signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
  'api_version': '1.0'


You can find this key and secret within the GateOne configration file 30api_keys.conf [4]

Note, the upn value was what previous prevented us from emulating a user.


The allowed origins is a JSON array of either hostname or IP that are accepted.

origins appears in the 10server.conf file [5]

// This is Gate One's main settings file.
  // "gateone" server-wide settings fall under "*"
  "*": {
    "gateone": { // These settings apply to all of Gate One
        // ... omit ...
        "origins": [
        "localhost", "", "enterprise",
        "", ""],
        // ... omit ...

Note, all configuration for deployed GateOne servers appears under: /etc/gateone/conf.d

These are symlinks into the /opt/gateone-config directory.

How is GateOne Deployed?

For Atmosphere(0) and Jetstream Cloud, GateOne and Atmosphere(1) are implemented on separate servers. (This may not be a strict requirement.)


There are currently two different sets of Ansible code that deploy GateOne.

gateone-server-ansible was used to implement Jetstream Cloud's production GateOne. It has a few requirements:

  • requires you to symlink to /etc/ansible/roles
  • Assumes that SSL certificate and private key are already deployed to target server
  • requires you to store your GateOne configuration in a separate repository

ansible-gateone-server is a newer, modular Ansible role that is published on (and consumable from) Ansible Galaxy. It is used to implement GateOne for the Jetstream test cloud. ansible-gateone-server is self-contained: it does not require separate repos for your GateOne configuration files, instead you can define your configuration as Ansible variables. ansible-gateone-server will also deploy your SSL certificate and private key - in this way, it is a "batteries-included" way to implement a working GateOne on a brand new server.


We currently operate off of a fork of GateOne:

This is fork includes added functionality for having a "global" SSH config file. This file appears as a symlink under /etc/gateone/conf.d and links to: /opt/gateone-config/ssh_config_global. Efforts to get this modification included by the GateOne project are underway.

Both of the Ansible options deploy this fork of GateOne, by default.

Troubleshooting Background

Resource Serving

We currently put Nginx in front of GateOne. GateOne serves resources via an Nginx location defined in under /etc/nginx/locations

location /gateone {
  #Listed as /gateone
  proxy_pass_header Server;
  proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
  proxy_redirect off;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
  proxy_http_version 1.1;
  // these be web socket headers ---v
  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

Note: the "Connection" header is present to allow for Web Socket connections

Service Operation

You can verify that GateOne is running using service:

$ service gateone status
gateone start/running, process 12634</pre>

If the service fails to start, the init system (currently upstart) will try restarting the service several times and then give up. You can try starting GateOne outside of the service – and watch the output yourself -- by running /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/gateone. This may provide helpful information in addition to the logs.

Because Nginx makes GateOne available to the outside world, you'd want to ensure that it was running as well:

service nginx status
nginx start/running, process 8818


Ensure that GateOne is bound to the internal port for reverse proxying (e.g. 8443) and that Nginx is listening on the HTTPS port (e.g. 443):

root@myserver:/etc/gateone/conf.d# netstat -lntp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      9089/rpcbind    
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      5634/sendmail: MTA:
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      2567/sshd       
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      8821/python # GateOne!    
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      28230/nginx # Nginx proxy for GateOne
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      10622/nrpe      
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      5634/sendmail: MTA:
tcp6       0      0 :::111                  :::*                    LISTEN      9089/rpcbind    
tcp6       0      0 :::1657                 :::*                    LISTEN      2567/sshd       
tcp6       0      0 :::8443                 :::*                    LISTEN      8821/python     
tcp6       0      0 :::5666                 :::*                    LISTEN      10622/nrpe

Also ensure that communications are not blocked by ufw/iptables/firewalld on the host, nor by a border firewall on the hosting facility / campus network.


All logs associated with GateOne are under /var/log/gateone/

You can change the logging level in /etc/gateone/conf.d/10server.conf

// This is Gate One's main settings file.
    // "gateone" server-wide settings fall under "*"
    "*": {
        "gateone": { // These settings apply to all of Gate One
            "logging": "info",

            // ....

With a logging level of "info", changes to the "origins" will be logged to /var/log/gateone/gateone-api.log

[I 161004 13:18:48 server:4361] Connections to this server will be allowed from the following origins: 'localhost ...'
[I 161004 13:18:48 server:3675] Using api authentication

With a logging level of "info", authentication attempts (including the "origin") will be logged to /var/log/gateone/gateone-auth.log

[I 160502 13:50:04 server:2223] User lenards authenticated successfully via origin (location 128-196-65-166).
[I 160502 13:53:14 server:1765] {"ip_address": "", "location": "128-196-65-166", "upn": "lenards"} WebSocket closed (lenards

You'd also want to investigate nginx's logs as well (/var/log/nginx), notably the error.log.

Keys & connecting the dots...

Atmosphere generates a default SSH key per user and places this key on the GateOne server. It is used for password-less connections to instances. When an instance is launched, this default key will be included.

If you're troubleshooting, you may want to look for the presence of a key. You can find them under /var/lib/gateone/{{atmosphere_username}}/.ssh.


This process helps preserve the state of a GateOne session (it appears as dtach in ps aux)

You can look for a user's session by IP:

# ps aux | grep dtach | grep '128-196-64-13'
root 6509 0.0 0.0 4400 608 pts/33 Ss+ Oct03 0:00 /bin/sh -c dtach -c /tmp/gateone-api/MmFjYmU5OTgzZTJiNGY0ZjliNjg4OTZkYTNiY2MxNzQ0Z/dtach_128-196-64-13_1 -E -z -r none /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gateone-1.2.0-py2.7.egg/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S '/tmp/gateone-api/MmFjYmU5OTgzZTJiNGY0ZjliNjg4OTZkYTNiY2MxNzQ0Z/%SHORT_SOCKET%' --sshfp --config '/etc/gateone/conf.d/ssh_config_global'; sleep .1
root 6512 0.0 0.0 6228 360 pts/33 S+ Oct03 0:00 dtach -c /tmp/gateone-api/MmFjYmU5OTgzZTJiNGY0ZjliNjg4OTZkYTNiY2MxNzQ0Z/dtach_128-196-64-13_1 -E -z -r none /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gateone-1.2.0-py2.7.egg/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S /tmp/gateone-api/MmFjYmU5OTgzZTJiNGY0ZjliNjg4OTZkYTNiY2MxNzQ0Z/%SHORT_SOCKET% --sshfp --config /etc/gateone/conf.d/ssh_config_global
root 6513 0.0 0.0 14792 704 ? Ss Oct03 0:00 dtach -c /tmp/gateone-api/MmFjYmU5OTgzZTJiNGY0ZjliNjg4OTZkYTNiY2MxNzQ0Z/dtach_128-196-64-13_1 -E -z -r none /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gateone-1.2.0-py2.7.egg/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S /tmp/gateone-api/MmFjYmU5OTgzZTJiNGY0ZjliNjg4OTZkYTNiY2MxNzQ0Z/%SHORT_SOCKET% --sshfp --config /etc/gateone/conf.d/ssh_config_global
root 27455 0.0 0.0 4400 612 pts/14 Ss+ Oct03 0:00 /bin/sh -c dtach -c /tmp/gateone-api/MzAwMzZhNGNhYjJjNGRhZWEyNzU5ZWVkMjBkYWY0ZjBlZ/dtach_128-196-64-13_1 -E -z -r none /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gateone-1.2.0-py2.7.egg/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S '/tmp/gateone-api/MzAwMzZhNGNhYjJjNGRhZWEyNzU5ZWVkMjBkYWY0ZjBlZ/%SHORT_SOCKET%' --sshfp --config '/etc/gateone/conf.d/ssh_config_global'; sleep .1
root 27456 0.0 0.0 6228 364 pts/14 S+ Oct03 0:00 dtach -c /tmp/gateone-api/MzAwMzZhNGNhYjJjNGRhZWEyNzU5ZWVkMjBkYWY0ZjBlZ/dtach_128-196-64-13_1 -E -z -r none /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gateone-1.2.0-py2.7.egg/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S /tmp/gateone-api/MzAwMzZhNGNhYjJjNGRhZWEyNzU5ZWVkMjBkYWY0ZjBlZ/%SHORT_SOCKET% --sshfp --config /etc/gateone/conf.d/ssh_config_global
root 27457 0.0 0.0 14792 708 ? Ss Oct03 0:00 dtach -c /tmp/gateone-api/MzAwMzZhNGNhYjJjNGRhZWEyNzU5ZWVkMjBkYWY0ZjBlZ/dtach_128-196-64-13_1 -E -z -r none /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gateone-1.2.0-py2.7.egg/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S /tmp/gateone-api/MzAwMzZhNGNhYjJjNGRhZWEyNzU5ZWVkMjBkYWY0ZjBlZ/%SHORT_SOCKET% --sshfp --config /etc/gateone/conf.d/ssh_config_global

Troubleshooting Specifics

Welcome to nginx "page"

This is a misconfigured deployment of Troposphere

Troposphere "source" not in origins

Click to accept SSL Certificate ...

White screen with black background messages

GateOne is not defined

This means that either the GateOne service is down or not responding.

Generating a new API key & secret

The documentation of GateOne still refers to the utility executable as ./ It is is ./ (in our fork, and in master).

# python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

From the code-base location, you can run with --new_api_key to get a new API key.

Because we use a custom "settings_dir", you must include the path to that location or it will use /opt/GateOne/conf.d as the location of where the secret is written

/opt/GateOne$ ./ --new_api_key --settings_dir=/etc/gateone/conf.d/
[I 161004 13:42:24 server:4179] Gate One License: AGPLv3 (
[I 161004 13:42:24 server:4188] Imported applications: Terminal
[I 161004 13:42:24 server:4323] A new API key has been generated: [redacted]
[I 161004 13:42:24 server:4325] This key can now be used to embed Gate One into other applications.
/opt/GateOne$ grep -c "[redacted]" /etc/gateone/conf.d/30api_keys.conf && echo "sssh ... it is still secret"
sssh ... it is still secret

The secret will be added to /etc/gateone/conf.d/30api_keys.conf

    "*": {
        "gateone": {
            "api_keys": {
                "<API Key>": "<Secret>",
                "<API Key 2>": "<Secret 2>"
